Funding opportunities


Use this page to explore the wide variety of funding opportunities available within the Scottish Research and Innovation landscape, with a particular cross-sectoral or cross-discipline focus.

To showcase your organisations funding opportunities, please contact us

SINAPSE: Online Training Bursary Fund

Funding available from: SINAPSE

Eligible for: SINAPSE members who belong to one of the seven partner Universities: Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St. Andrews, Stirling, and Strathclyde

Summary: In response to the present ubiquity of online delivery for researcher training and development opportunities, and the widespread disruption to imaging research activity caused by COVID-19, SINAPSE are pleased to introduce a bursary scheme for online training costs.

Applicants without recourse to other sources of funding for such expenses may request financial support to register for fee-charging online courses or conferences that will enhance their training and/or skills development related to imaging research. Priority will be given to early career researchers and to individuals whose research plans have been significantly disrupted and/or redirected due to COVID-19.

Closing Date: ongoing

Find out more and apply

Innovation Voucher Programme

Funding available from: Interface

Eligible for: Scottish SME’s and academic partners

Summary: The Scottish Funding Council offer a number of funding programmes, which are administered by Interface, to offset the cost for businesses collaborating with Scotland’s universities or further education colleges to support innovation to develop a new product, process or service for the company or to develop the company’s workforce.

Closing Date: Ongoing

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Collaborative R&D Project Support (for industry-led projects)

Funding available from: CENSIS

Eligible for: Scottish-based businesses and an academic partner

Summary: CENSIS is the Innovation Centre for sensing, imaging and IoT. Project funding is available to support Scottish-based businesses that need to undertake R&D in partnership with academia. Typically lasting 6-18 months, our R&D projects must be industry-led. They can involve one or more HEIs partners, plus our own in-house engineering team if necessary. The objective is to support projects that improve industry’s competitiveness to help Scotland’s economy flourish – everything from creating a new product or process to adopting cutting edge technology in a business.

Closing Date: Open-ended

Contact: Michael Fletcher, Business Development Director, CENSIS: 

Find out more and apply

Industry Engagement Fund

Funding available from: ETP

Eligible for: Scottish SME’s or non-Scottish SME’s who have or want to establish a base in Scotland 

In collaboration with: European Regional Development Fund, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Government & Highlands and Islands Enterprise

Summary: This fund aims to support Scottish SMEs to develop low carbon technology by; providing up to £10k worth of funding; a consultancy service from our team of Business Development Managers; assistance accessing further grant funding from other bodies; access to state-of-the-art knowledge and expertise by collaborating with academics based in our 13 partner universities in Scotland; and access to testing facilities at the Scottish Energy Laboratory.

Closing Date: Ongoing
